Pitch a no-tech/low-tech idea to all of Ford's cars
Tag: product_design strategy
Definitions & Constraints
no-tech/low-tech: R&D cost should be low.
for all Ford’s cars: universally useful across different vechile types/models.
Product / Business Goals
Product: hardware, mature product, changes are applying to newly produced vehicles.
Business goals: improve product engagement - metrics: user happiness, sales.
Newly emerged & future user behaviors:
Newly emerged user behaviors: COVID.
Future: smart cars, electric clean energy cars.
User Needs & Segmentation
Tranportation: move from A to B:
Commute: routine routes.
Travel: professional, causal.
Tranport packages: shopping, moving.
Priorization: TAM
COVID: reduced commute and travel.
Shopping CUJ: extra steps of using masks and sanitizer.
Masks are one-time/few-time uses only:
Ran out of masks
Storage of masks (Medium pain, could store at central compartment).
Seperate clean and used masks, and dispose used masks (L pain, S: seperate storage).
Sanitizer: frequent use and needs to be easy to access:
Ran out of sanitizer
forget to bring with (medium pain, could leave on at center comparemet)
difficult to access (large pain: need to use before dining in the car, entering the car, after load/unload packages; S: Use carry-on pocket-size bottle sanitizer).
Clean packages.
Prioritization: painfulness, helpfulness of current solution
Modifed storage: extra seperator at central compartments (M, S, L); multi-fold foilo at mirrors/sunshade (L, M, L); extra storage at hand rail (S, M, L)
Preloaded supplies: preloaded masks and sanitizer in cars (M, S, L); extra goodies at sales closing (M, S, L); physical button to order from your favorate stores (L, M, L); free supply to pick up at any car dealers (S, M, S);
Automated vending: electric powered mask vending (L, L, L), and sanitizer from central console; same at storage. (M, L, L)
Priorization: helpfulness improvement, cost, user coverage.
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